Friday, April 27, 2012

Chartist Petition of 1838

     The theme of the Chartist of 1838 is that they were declaring to have Parliament which is known to be a legislation body of any various country. It was said to have points that would cover six different points: manhood suffrage, the ballot, abolition on property qualifications for MPS, Payment of MPS, equal electoral districts, and annual elections. These were several issues that I have researched and that relates to the description of the Chartist. It was mentioning that the people who were trying to make a living that were considered to be skillful, providable for an industry. Who work day to day that tend to struggle tho have stress and have trouble with paying for taxes. I considered to be the concept of the rich are getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. They demand to have parliament to be signed to help pass through the suffrage of trying to have equal rights. In Great Britain and Ireland was in the reading was declaring from this parliament to be part of and have demands for the different acts to be solved. 
       Some of the background information that I have found is that William Lovett was the one to create this document that had a long established of demands. There was the reform of 183-2 that lend into a crisis that was considering that that the middle class, not the working class to be admitted to the Parliament System. This was considered to be a betrayal of a large section of the society, and because of this it had led into the Chartism. Another law was mentioned and it was The Dracarrian New Poor Law of 1834, this was an attack on the working class, and it ended up helping the new movement of protesting to gain massive support of the northern part of England. It was also said that Lovett had found that the Chatism was a peaceful persuasion by respectable working men. Just by using moral force to win the charter. I also found that O' Connor was a charismatic demagogue that was using mass meetings and read the forces of " Norther Star" to unite forces of the working class for support. When he untied the forces of the working class he had become popular and that the chartists had named their children after him. The had also left him with the name as the "Lion Of Freedom".
            While reading the Chartist the phrase that had said: " That we, your petitioners, dwell in a land whose merchants are noted for enterprise, whose manufactures are very skillful, and whose workman are proverbial for their industry". This had stood out to me, because it made me think that people back in this time frame worked so hard to live their lives, but the more they had worked they were always loosing to some battle of a certain problem that they had. They were dwelling through the suffrage of being poor, taxes being high to pay for. They wanted to be part of the parliament to have more rights to be equal out, they wanted to make a difference in their world.They demanded this right, and they had to fight their way until it was accomplished even if it had led into conflicts.
            Ideas that I have got from the reading is thinking about " The Great Depression". People were working and trying to live their own lives through this suffrage. They had demanded rights for better working conditions and if they did not get their demands answered then they were going to protest. The depression  last for several years, and it ended up spreading even more conflicts through the years. People have struggled to live, stress, and be taking care of families. Some were not able to do that jobs were becoming low, taxes were higher and the depression had started from industries starting out very high to crashing instantly.
          In our society we seemed to have trouble living out our lives. We pay high amounts of taxes and we tend to follow out the government of what they tell us to do even though a lot of us think it is corrupt. We have people who are poor and can not afford to live a descent life to be happy. We have middle classes, working classes etc....But our lives are better, we have a say on what happens to our society economically and how employment truly is. Even though we have this ability it is not a lot compare to today to the 1830's, both ended up to have troubles to live a life and try to survive. 2012 has come a very long way from the past history and it is very amazing that we have come this far, and have some struggles.
            This can be related in the text by the different parliaments of different countries such as Paris. The European parliament have had different problems to take control of. In chapter 22 I believe it can relate to " The Great Depression".  When  Europe was starting to expand among  different countries it had also led to declining which had led into the several different conflicts. It led into working conditions, rights of different people, and industries crashing instantly. With the parliament people wanted to have a say into wanting rights that they should have. It had become something that ended up to be complex. It led to war among people, and it was something that had lasted for so long. But it had ended up for people to stand up for what they believed in and that was the biggest step for several people in this part of time.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Women Miners in the English Coal Pits

       A)  The theme of the reading of this week is that women, children and  men working in the coal mines in England. It had mentioned that girls would be dressing as men and doing work as men would do in the coal mines. Even little girls who were dressed as little boys that you had a hard time telling them a part. The working conditions were very harsh for both the women, men and children. Women were treated worst then men at times, the coal mines had work that was distributed to all of them and it had  been put into danger situations. The coal mines seemed like that they were not supervised to the safety of the employees. Women working in the mines had the almost the same jobs as men carried,but some struggled because they were not as strong as the men in the mines. 
      B) In the 1800's  was the time when conflicts began with the industrialization along with the rights of women. There were several views about woman, one was that they were considered to be the weaker sex, and to be treated like delicate creatures. The request or demands that there should be done for them. There were several different opinions about how woman are to be treated and that they have little power. With the factories coming in to production they were being formed by Arkwright and with the development of the steam engine was known as Watt. While more and more production was happening the coal mines were coming in to the revolution. They had children working in the mines that were called trappers which were young children for assistance, they would sit underground opening and shutting the doors that went across the mine. Since in the coal mines had a very high risk of explosive, Sir. Humphrey Davy invented a safety lamp in 1815, that was told to miners that if they went underground they would have to take this lamp with to see their way through the mines. Even though this was a way to help them through the mines they still were unsafe on so many levels. When woman began to work during this time, in 1910 they were starting to to make up almost one third of the workplace. This had began the argument that if woman had the vote of the Parliament it would be force to pass legislation that would protect women workers, because a lot of the work was temporary or part time. In 1865 group of women for a society called Kensington Society, this was part of the National Union of Suffrage Union, this was founded by Alice Westlake, they discuss women's rights and other discussions about what is happening in their society.
           C) Ideas that stood out to me was that it had mentioned that women who were pregnant and had their baby and went back to work in a couple of days. It surprised me that they went back so soon into work to do that harsh labor. During this time it did not surprise me that it would mention the working conditions or the kinds of workers that would be working there such as children or women. It stood out thinking about women's rights to me a lot, I knew during this time women were considered to be weaker then men back in this time men had the power to rule not women. Not a lot of them cared about any of the employee's rights about the working conditions, I believe this time period was a harsh time of working in the factories and coal mines ect..... 
          D) Ideas that I began to generate is think about the conditions of women and children. I did not think children should be working in such conditions. But with woman made me think about our society about how women carries out manly jobs today such as going into the army, being doctors, police officers ect.. so many jobs that are carried out. With children carrying jobs, I think they should work in little shops, paper routes, but never in mines. So I have mentioned the different type of jobs that women and children could have. But those jobs that I have mentioned is that they actually care about the safety of their employees other then back in the 1800's.
           E) Modern parallels comparing how employees being treated today then back in the 1800's. Today conditions are fairly rather good a lot of company's care about their employees safety and hours that they work. Though there are a lot of hours in companies that are harsh on some standards, but at least they can be monitor. In the 1800's conditions of working did not really matter to that particular business, because they really cared about making the money other then their workers who were trying to make a living. Jobs today has an age set to when children can start working and its usually at 16 or older, back then they had little girls and little working on dangerous job sites that adults could be working at.
        F)  Relating to the text book in chapter 20 is The Industrial Revolution, they mention the conditions of the work sites for all of the workers such as men, women and the children. It also mentions how it had effected Britain's society and how population growth was increasing and how globally it was working to form colonies to spread the trading for each of the colonies. They started to make money, but then again the conditions of the factories were again harsh, so knowing all of the dangers that were occurring the companies begin to loose number of workers depending on the accident of the situation. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Modern History Sourcebook: The Crime of Galileo: Indictment and Abjuration of 1633

      The Theme of the reading is that Galileo who is the son of the late Vancenzio Galilei, Flornece. He was arrested for the crime that the sun is immovable in the center of the world, and that Earth moves around the sun. The other proposition that he had mentioned is that the Earth is not movable. Theses propositions that were mentioned had ended up being against the Holy Scriptures. During this time it was the time when Theological comes in the views of science and what it means for Holy Scripture. The Theological was the view of how the sun and Earth truly means of the motion for the both of them. This became the concept between what the real explanation was, either it was through Theological sense or from what scriptures sense. Galileo had the Catholic and Apostolic Church of Rome against him at this time because of the beliefs that he had made based on his discoveries.
       I have found several background information about Galileo, and a lot of it were things I never knew about him. Galileo was a fascinating and intelligent human being, and his history will carry on. He was born in Pisa, Italy on Feb 15, 1564. His parents had seven children and he was the eldest out of all of them. His father was a musician and also a wool trader, he wanted Galileo to go into medicine because there was more money in that area. But when Galileo turned eleven he studied Jesuit Monastery. When four years came to him he wanted to become a monk, and his father was not very pleased with this idea. Galileo had dropped out of the Monastery to carry on his father wish and went to study medicine at the University of Pisa there he had studied mathematics and medicine. During college he had preferred studying mathematics over medicine, and he left the University when he turned 21. He left without a degree and he ended up spending his four years giving private lessons in mathematics in Florence and Siena. Galileo then got a teaching job at the Univeristy of Pisa, but he had denied wearing the robes and he then ended up with fines. After this chaos of education his father had died in 1591 and he was now the main financial provider of his family. After his father's death he was the chair of mathematics department at the University of Padua in the Republic of Venice. There he had lectured on Geometry, Astronomy and he gave additional lessons on Euclid, Cosmography and along with other subjects. Galileo did have a relationship with a 22 year old whose name was Marin Gamba in 1599 he was 36 at this time. In 1600 they had their first daughter Virgina who was born out of wedlock, and in 1601 they had their second child. In 1607 they had a son named Vincenzio, now keep in mind that the couple were never married they had all three children out of wedlock and I thought this was very interesting. After the birth of his children in 1609 Galileo learns about the telescopic lens in the Netherlands and on Nov 30 to Dec 19, he started to observe the moon through the telescope. 1610 he discovered two stars that was close to Jupiter and figured out that they were satellites. While his discoveries were coming to him he loses Marin Gamba, and they were never married nor did they live under the same roof. Soon after she had passed his mother died at the age of 82. Galileo had an incredible life even though he went through a lot during his life. During his discoveries he had lost several people in his life. He was on house arrest because of his discoveries and he ended up losing his eyesight. He also ended up putting out petitions for him to be let go because of his medical condition, but unfortunately he was not. In 1642 he died in Arcentrion January 8.
        Something that stood out to me was that it did not surprise me that Galileo's discoveries or propositions did not pass from the  Catholic or the Apostolic Church of Rome. At the time both of the churches focused on what the scriptures said about how the Earth moves or even how life should be. Since they both were too focused on the Holy Scriptures they had a hard time accepting the discoveries from Galileo, and they did not want to believe so they were against him. I love Galileo he was such an intelligent person, but I felt terrible that no body believed him. But I kept in mind that the time period was religion and what should be accepted and what was unacceptable. People had to follow the scriptures and not those who found discoveries and their ideas.
           Ideas came to mind that Galileo stuck to his discoveries, I felt like he didn't care about what people thought of him based on his discoveries. He was an intelligent man and based on the research that I have made I learned even more about him. He ended up loosing many people in his life, but he still never gave up on his research. He is one of best famous historical figure that I love learning about, that still today we still continue to learn from him.
            Modern parallels that I can make from this is that I believe that we are using Galileo's discoveries today, we have drawn from his discoveries and just gone beyond them. Today, there are some issues with Theological perspective and the Holy Scriptures perspective, but it has gotten better over the years of history and we have learned that each person has different beliefs. So comparing that time to ours today is still astonishing on some cases. Galileo's research changed the world and it carried on after his death, and today we use his research to carry on his work. I think of it that if Galileo did not discover the astronomy part of the universe then we might have been lost, but thanks to him we are not.
         Relating to the text book his trial was mentioned in Chapter 16, with his propositions he pleaded guilty. Based on the books of The Assayer (1632) and Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1623). These were mentioned during the trials they did not save him from being arrested, but he had support to testify on his behalf. The court did not agree on his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, because it seemed it was against the faith of the Catholic Church. The pope sent him back to Arcetri near Florence, where he was under house arrest until his death in 1642.