The theme of the Chartist of 1838 is that they were declaring to have Parliament which is known to be a legislation body of any various country. It was said to have points that would cover six different points: manhood suffrage, the ballot, abolition on property qualifications for MPS, Payment of MPS, equal electoral districts, and annual elections. These were several issues that I have researched and that relates to the description of the Chartist. It was mentioning that the people who were trying to make a living that were considered to be skillful, providable for an industry. Who work day to day that tend to struggle tho have stress and have trouble with paying for taxes. I considered to be the concept of the rich are getting richer and the poor were getting poorer. They demand to have parliament to be signed to help pass through the suffrage of trying to have equal rights. In Great Britain and Ireland was in the reading was declaring from this parliament to be part of and have demands for the different acts to be solved.
Some of the background information that I have found is that William Lovett was the one to create this document that had a long established of demands. There was the reform of 183-2 that lend into a crisis that was considering that that the middle class, not the working class to be admitted to the Parliament System. This was considered to be a betrayal of a large section of the society, and because of this it had led into the Chartism. Another law was mentioned and it was The Dracarrian New Poor Law of 1834, this was an attack on the working class, and it ended up helping the new movement of protesting to gain massive support of the northern part of England. It was also said that Lovett had found that the Chatism was a peaceful persuasion by respectable working men. Just by using moral force to win the charter. I also found that O' Connor was a charismatic demagogue that was using mass meetings and read the forces of " Norther Star" to unite forces of the working class for support. When he untied the forces of the working class he had become popular and that the chartists had named their children after him. The had also left him with the name as the "Lion Of Freedom".
While reading the Chartist the phrase that had said: " That we, your petitioners, dwell in a land whose merchants are noted for enterprise, whose manufactures are very skillful, and whose workman are proverbial for their industry". This had stood out to me, because it made me think that people back in this time frame worked so hard to live their lives, but the more they had worked they were always loosing to some battle of a certain problem that they had. They were dwelling through the suffrage of being poor, taxes being high to pay for. They wanted to be part of the parliament to have more rights to be equal out, they wanted to make a difference in their world.They demanded this right, and they had to fight their way until it was accomplished even if it had led into conflicts.
Ideas that I have got from the reading is thinking about " The Great Depression". People were working and trying to live their own lives through this suffrage. They had demanded rights for better working conditions and if they did not get their demands answered then they were going to protest. The depression last for several years, and it ended up spreading even more conflicts through the years. People have struggled to live, stress, and be taking care of families. Some were not able to do that jobs were becoming low, taxes were higher and the depression had started from industries starting out very high to crashing instantly.
In our society we seemed to have trouble living out our lives. We pay high amounts of taxes and we tend to follow out the government of what they tell us to do even though a lot of us think it is corrupt. We have people who are poor and can not afford to live a descent life to be happy. We have middle classes, working classes etc....But our lives are better, we have a say on what happens to our society economically and how employment truly is. Even though we have this ability it is not a lot compare to today to the 1830's, both ended up to have troubles to live a life and try to survive. 2012 has come a very long way from the past history and it is very amazing that we have come this far, and have some struggles.
This can be related in the text by the different parliaments of different countries such as Paris. The European parliament have had different problems to take control of. In chapter 22 I believe it can relate to " The Great Depression". When Europe was starting to expand among different countries it had also led to declining which had led into the several different conflicts. It led into working conditions, rights of different people, and industries crashing instantly. With the parliament people wanted to have a say into wanting rights that they should have. It had become something that ended up to be complex. It led to war among people, and it was something that had lasted for so long. But it had ended up for people to stand up for what they believed in and that was the biggest step for several people in this part of time.
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