Friday, March 2, 2012

Charter of Homage and Fealty of Bernard Atton, A. D. 1110.

The theme for this weeks reading is taken place during the middle ages, and it is when the Feudal System comes and takes place. The Feudal System is based on the hold of lands in fief or fee on the resulting relations between the Lord and the Vassal. The concept of this system started when Benard Atton came to St. Marys,Viscount of Carcassonne, he wanted to serve Lord Leo, so in order to do this he came to festival to show his honor and respect with the traditions that were being held there. He wanted to serve Lord Leo and the lands of Carcassone. In order for this to truly happen was when the Feudal System was coming into place, when Lord Leo hands down the lands down to Beanard Atton. During this process Lord Leo starts to promise that he will be good and loyal to the lands. Atton promised that the farms and villages will go to the monastery which is considered to be the house of monks. Even if the monks were part of that certain house they would still get some of the farms and villages. With knowing this Atton wanted to equal out every thing with monks and it seemed it was done through the Feudal System. The Background that I have found on the Carcassone was that it is rich in history, it had involved many different events with different types of settlements being taken place. It is also bound to the middle ages, and it is often called " The City of the Albigenses" which is the name that comes from the city of Albi. In 3500 years B.C. was when the neolithic settled in the region. In 118 B.C. was when the Foundation of the Roman colony called "Colonia Norbo Martius" today which it is known as Narbonne. The Phrase that stood out to me was " I promise to thee and they heirs and successors,viscounts of Carcassonne,under the religion of my order, that I will be good and faithful lord concerning all those things described above." I think that reason I chose this phrase was that in the time period during the middle ages, the words of a lord seemed to be actually true. They seemed to have better understanding on running their kingdom and actually be concerned on what goes on. They seemed to have hope, happiness, freedom, and have equality. I started to think about how times were back then were they getting better? or were they worst then before? it was just something curious that crossed my mind, and I believed it was a time that was growing and learning about what people truly wanted in order to live their lives and be happy. The best part about reading this was when Lord Leo actually said I will be loyal and good, just saying that seems to be true and he wants his kingdom to be happy not only for him and but for others. Again as I said before the time back then seemed to be more fair then it was ever before with the conflicts of religion. This time I believed was a different view sure they had religion, but it seemed more right at this point. Nobody was being forced to really do anything sure there were some slaves and other things, but the religion seemed freely. I think this time was again different and more growing and learning process for the middle ages, but a lot of them wanted to make a difference in a good way that would help every body. Some of the Lords or Kings actually seemed to kept their word, but again you have to think of some other rulers who were not so much loyal and good in ways. I love learning about this time frame it is one of my favorites, just the theme of it seems so interesting in ways that makes you think what it actually was like in those times. What were hard and good times during this period and what kind of conflicts of religion was occurring, so much in this time frame to learn from. It is very interesting learning about the middle ages. Modern parallels would be to compare our world today with the government and all of the political offices, and conflicts being involved today. It seems hectic and confusing nothing can ever be simple, they either to make some issue good then it ends up to be really horrible. It just seemed that they can not keep their own word that something will work out if they do this specific thing a way that can be better. This is when I started to think that middle ages and some of today issues were similar but being solved in different ways. such issues would be picking somebody to rule. I think today there are times when America is lied to when the government or any political office will keep their word, and they seem to not be loyal to us. In the middle ages the ruler made promises did he keep them possibly, but you do not know for sure till you actually study them. I see both middle ages and today similar and different on some levels Relating to the text I think would be in Chapter 8 when Charlemangne wanted be crowned to be king and the pope was giving the coronation. This does not really relate to Feudal system exactly, but I think it can be an issue when with him being crowned people started questioning if he was going to be the right one or not to rule the kingdom or empire of some kind. But I believe that this could relate to the people getting the right to be equal and Atton wanted the monks and to be honest. I believe that the people wanted Charlemangne to be honest and loyal to rule for the right reasons. Even though they did not want him, they just wanted to have a say who should rule. They did not think he was right may be by his actions, but Atton seemed good and honest just like Lord Leo almost.

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