Friday, February 24, 2012

The Islamic Conquest of Spain

    The theme for this weeks reading is the Muslims advancing more into the European area, with their conquest of Spain taking over the lands and creating their own civilization.
      Some Sources that I have found on my own was that the Muslim general Tariq Ziyad was the one who was able to carry out the Spanish coast in 710. I also found out the the Islamic of Spain had three great monotheistic religions: Muslims, Christianity and Jews. The Muslims central rule or the heartland that was being conquered was Southern Spain or is known as Andulusia.
      Ideas that stood out to me was when Ilyan had sent his one of his daughters to Roderic, and he ended up getting her pregnant and this showed how women were treated. Some of the women were abused and taken advantage of fairly often back then. Women were becoming slaves or hostages to these men and there was no trust any more between men or woman it had become chaos. The chaos of trust over things such as land had turned out to be war along with other terrible things that were beginning to occur. It did not really surprise me about women being treated unequally towards men, because women did not have any rights what so ever over any thing, and it seemed they were just to be taken advantage to be slaves or hostages nothing really special. They have been controlled by men constantly it became something that they could never escape from. Another part of this reading that stood out for was when it mentioned that Muslims were cannibals when they were only to get attention of Tarik and his army it became a counteract. This just showed me how they were go so far to get the attention from them. It also showed me how they were sort of being judge in some kind of way when they pulled that counteract, they just assumed that the Muslims were cannibals instead of just starting to get to know them better as people or as a culture. Another Idea came to mind that Tarik was able to give the treasury and hand it to Musa, and this showed that he was loyal. I was thinking that in this time frame that people were not really easy to trust because of so much land and treasure that was being taken over. 
      Some ideas that I generated was the exchanging of women and how they were actually being treated between the men. They did not have any rights for themselves and they were constantly being controlled by their fathers, husbands or even their slave owners. It also mentioned the Muslims counteracting about cannibalism I thought it was weird and awkward, it just seemed to me that there are some religions who do awkward things to people who are unfamiliar with their religion or how they treat people within their own religion. Another idea that I generated was that majority of this conquering was over land, how much was being taken over and who was owning the most land it seemed like to me. The land was an issue it was becoming something that everyone wanted to have.
    Parallels that I was able to see was able to see was that women were being controlled in this period and that it still carries on today by arrange marriages in some countries such as India. I believe it is something that has always been around and it is something that has never changed. The second thing was again the cannibalism and that it shows how some cultures tend to awkward disturbing things to people whether it is in their culture or not. Today what I have learned is that there are cultures who torture women if they disobey some how towards their men or their laws that they have to follow. Even with men they are torture if they disobeyed the laws that were given to them. After learning this both men and women get treated unequally if they tortured in some horrible drastic way, some of this takes place in the country such as Iraq. I believe this kind of torture and controlling has been carried on for the longest time in history and it is still carried on today.I believe that it is some what worst today then when it was back in that time period of the Islamic.
      One thing that is related to the text book is that Spain was one of the greatest civilizations that was created by the Muslims, and it was carried on into the tenth century by Umayyad Caliphate.

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